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Monday, November 27, 2006

There´s always something going on in the desert...

-just like the Snoopy comic said! We took a day off in Cataviña, expecting that it would be really quiet and we would be forced to relax... the morning was just that. We slept in, read our books and did our laundry in stuff sacs.

At lunch we walked down to the little convience store for some snacks and were greeted by the crazy Korean, Henrey. He and his buddies had been down in the Baja for a boys trip and were on their way home to California. When he heard that we were cycling and how far we´d travelled, he insisted that we take a bag of chocolate bars and candy. mmm!! He then cooked us a korean meal while we sat in their camp chairs and drank beer. They also gave us several packages of noodles and offered us their microwave before they headed on down the road. :P

We were later out on a photo safari and attempting to find a phone when we met the ¨dirt bike guys¨from northern california. These guys are on an annual dirt bike trip that takes them all over the backroads/trails of the Baja. They claimed that we looked clean, but were incredibly generous and offered their hotel room showers to us. Alright!!

On our walk back to our campsite to get our shower stuff we met Elvis, yup this man has an incredible life story! He is actually not sure of his real name, but he did invent the hoolahoop, frisbee, mars bar, and training wheels; and all before he was ten years old! He owns over 20mil in strawberry fields down here but just has to find it... as we walked away from this man Christine confessed that this is the closest she´s ever been to calling Bullshit on a complete stranger!

... the showers were SO nice! We then hung out with the guys for a couple of beers and they treated us to a delicous dinner at the hotel (instead of whatever one pot wonder we were going to attempt back at camp). We had a wonderful time sharing stories and laughs - Thanks guys!

So all in all, our rest day in the desert turned into yet another adventure. You never know who you´ll meet or what you might learn...


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