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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Malibu has Lac la Hache beat for the longest city, stretching its ginormous houses along 25 miles of coast and highway. Welcome to southern California, where a modest beach front house is selling for 3 million. I've been stared out of clothing stores on Santa Monica Main street, and through Starbucks line-ups in Malibu. I'm a different breed, and looking forward to being among my own herd *sigh*. I shopped REI instead of crossing the threshhold of Universal Studios and all the hype it represents. Speaking of hype, two hyper girls left for Hollywood streets this morning. Wonder Who they saw. I worked on the back of my legs tan, which is severely paler than the front. The beach, two blocks from the motel, stretches to the smoggy horizon both ways. Reporting from Santa Monica, Wendy

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