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Friday, October 20, 2006

It's 2am and over the lull of the ocean, a rap

against the tent door. The second slap jolts me awake and induces a yell. Too light to be a bear but too testy to be a branch, I suspect the nasty, crafty racoon. An initial head lamp sweep while half inside the vestibule reveals nothing, but a further inspection shows we've been stormed, unawares. The vermin have eaten my food stores completely, easily prying off the tupperware lid of my "kitchen". They've danced all over the picnic table with yogurty paws and peered inside my panniers for more easy treats. We see three or four sets of eyes in the bush, asking who dares impinge on their midnight ball. I lie awake later, listening to the ongoing cluster cleaning up on crumbs. Learning (again) how to leave a clean camp each evening, and looking for a slingshot on my travels. -Wendy


Anonymous said...

Ah, the dreaded raccoon. They are kinda cute if they are not raiding your stuff. I suppose it could have been something worse at your tent door - memories of Morristown come flooding back:0 Have you read up on Bolvian critters heehee.

Anonymous said...

I guess losing your food is pretty awful, but just be glad they couldn't figure out how to ride your bikes and really commit some midnight havoc.... :) Glad to hear you chicas are taking a bit of time to recoup even if you are socked in by rain. Have some fun for all of us working stiffs up North!