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Sunday, October 15, 2006

sea lions or tired bikers?

We stopped in Astoria to watch some sea lions lazing on a dock in the harbour. Their sloth-ful ways reminded us (Jodie especially!) of how we feel most mornings when we try to drag ourselves out of bed. We joked that we are still in the stage of being overly couteous to one another and that soon, manners in our tent would be reduced to those of the sea lions on the dock as they barked angrily at one another and flopped around awkwardly on their flippers (picture us with arms trapped in our sleeping bags) trying to boost others out of their way in order to win more space for themselves. I can't wait until we reach that level of comfort with one another :-S

~ Christine


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

If there is ever some sea lion action in your tent you should get some video. I'd like to see that. haha!
Looks like a great time so far!
I'm jealous.
You'll be happy to know it snowed 3 inches in good ole FSJ on Sunday the 15th. Today its all going to melt though :c(
Have fun and be safe!

Anonymous said...

Can't get over how much that centre sea lion looks like Jody
Your having a ball, and I'm so thrilled to be tagging along on my 4 legged chair!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yo Wendy... looks like fun. I drove to school in slush today and had to dodge a few bucks on the way... a little less eventful than your life right about now. Remember, if you get to a place I can call you, I have 4,000 Canada/US phone minutes to make use of.
Love you!