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Saturday, December 23, 2006


Ouff! 4 days after leaving La Paz and 2 flights and many hours on the bus later, we're at the end of the world in Ushuaia, Argentina. The trip has been quite an adventure in itself and I'm not convinced that biking here wouldn't have been more relaxing!

We left La Paz afer a fun night of partying with some cyclists that we met from Vancouver that involved a midnight dip in the ocean in downtown La Paz and a lot of hair gelling with the 1L of gel that Jodie and I found for a dollar!

Needless to say, we weren't in the best shape ever when we got on the overnight flight to Chile the next morning. Or the overnight flight the next night to Punta Arenas. By yesterday morning, we were running on 10 hours of terrible airplane sleep in three days.

We were exhausted, but not too exhausted to go check out Punta Arena's most interesting attraction, the Penguins on Magdallena Island. WOW! There were over 100,000 of them all over this little island and you could get up pretty close for pictures. Such funny little creatures!

A 12 hour bus ride brought us all the way to Ushuaia, on the island of Tierra del Fuego and we're ready to stop moving and do some exploring.

EXCEPT, somewhere between La Paz and Ushuaia, I managed to lose a pair of jeans, a tanktop, my binoculars, $80 cash, my passport (luckily I got this one back), and possibly my mp3 player (it might be with my bike). At least my backpack is a little lighter, I guess.



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