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Saturday, November 08, 2008

From Barn Yards to Border Guards

We often find that the hardest and most uncertian part of our day is between four pm and eight pm. Around four we begin looking for somewhere safe and comefortable to sleep; we are usually settled in and happy with our choice by around eight. We are never really sure where we might end up and it is really an adventure every time. Here is a list of some of our 'campsites' over the past two weeks:

-> Kyrgyz Customs Building - private room, hot water heated, and protected by Customs Guards

-> Homestays - these vary from having our own room to a room shared with the entire family
-they are always decorated with beautiful rugs and lots of warm blankets
-provide hot chai and lots good food

-> Roadside Tent Site - hiding in the ditch trying to get some shelter from the wind
- waking up to a blanket of fresh snow

-> Hotel Room - Private, locking doors, BEDS, and a hot springs connected to the building

-> Abandoned Barn - 4230m, on a nice thick layer of sheep poo, -14 degrees
-waking up in the night to a rat chewing on Christine's BOB

Where are you sleeping tonight?



Anonymous said...

OMG in a nice memory foam

Quite the sleeping

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Am sleeping in my king sized bed, all by myself, in a heated house, with electricity, and running hot water, its awesome!
Stay safe!